An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Monmouth Choral Society without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Monmouth Choral Society are listed below...
The Chairperson leads the choir committee, which looks after the finances and administration of the choir.
Vice Chair:
Currently unfilled
Veronica Scott
The Secretary takes the minutes at committee meetings and looks after the administration of the committee itself. The Secretary is often the first point of contact for the choir.
Honorary Treasurer:
Mike Bradley
The Honorary Treasurer looks after the choir's income and expenditure and prepares and administers the budget and accounts. You pay your annual subscription to the Treasurer!
Jean Sheraton
The Librarian hires scores for members.
Publicity Officer:
Hilary Smallwood
Concert Manager:
Matt Jenkins
The Concert Manager is responsible for the detailed organisation and running of our performances.
Social Media Manager:
Mike Topp
Membership Secretary:
Sue Wilderspin
The Membership Secretary is responsible for maintaining an up to date list of members and for welcoming new members to the choir. The Membership Secretary also organises the 'Sing 4 Steve' sessions for new members.
Steven Kings
Non-committee positions
Anyone with a named position but not on the committee
Event choir coordinator:
Meurig Greening
The Event Choir coordinator organises the smaller groups who sing at weddings, funerals, parties and other events, This is a good way of raising funds for the choir.